Be Motivated To Forgive

Belief Faith Hope Love Concept

Unforgiveness is like drinking a poison and expecting another to die. The person or people you are being angry with may never realize or acknowledge the wrong they have done against you. Pride, guilt, or shame may never allow them to say sorry. Some may even make excuses and come up with conspiracy theories to ease their conscience. They may never agree or understand they did you wrong. Why giving them the power to make your life miserable by holding on to anger, bitterness, hatred, and resentment.

He, she, or they, may be living their best life while you are in pain and misery. Is it worth it? Being mad at them is it worth your future and joy? Release them and let go; forgive and allow God to heal you. I understand it may not have been your fault, but you have the power and ability in Christ Jesus to forgive and release them.

Don’t be held in hostage because of what they did to you and they may not deserve your forgiveness, but you deserve to live life in abundance. You are not doing it for them but for yourself. You must learn to forgive others and yourself. 

Anger, bitterness, resentment etc. these are spot that stains our relationship with God. With man it is impossible to forgive the unforgivable but not with God. With God all things are possible. Forgiveness helps us to be free and it enables us to enjoy the life Christ has made available to us.

I pray God give you the courage and wisdom to forgive. I pray the Holy Spirit heal your heart. I pray for complete emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual healing. May the Lord cause His face to shine on you. Remember forgiveness and healing is a process and always trust the process. It does not happen overnight, give yourself time to heal. You are more than conqueror through Christ who loved you.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you (Matthew 6:14). But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions (Mark 11:26). May the Lord give us the strength and courage to continually forgive. Amen.

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